SBM Material Handling Website

Hey everyone! Today, I'm blogging a little bit on our Material Handling E-Commerce website,

What is it? It's a website where you can browse products specifically for Material Handling, and you can buy them online. These are products you can't find in the local hardware store.

These products are specifically for facility operations and material handling (2,500 products total). And, If we don't have the product you're looking for on the site, we will find it for you. If the product doesn't exist, we will have someone make it or we will make it ourselves. 

Please take a look. And, if you visit the site please email me or and send me your feedback. We are always working to improved the customer experience. 

What is our purpose behind this site? Both sites? Our goal and mission in our main website and our material handling e-commerce site to do everything in our power (whether it's through product or warehouse design) to make facility operations easy, efficient, and organized. 

There is always a way to improve your operations. There's always a product, a process, or a design that can make things a little better. And we'll always work toward continuous improvement to both our websites and our own operations to deliver best experience possible. 

If there's anything you need whether you are a contractor, purchasing agent, facility manager, or business owner (anywhere in the country) you can call up our office and speak to Me (Casey), Chris, or Rick, and we'll chat with you personally. 

Thanks, and let us know how we can help. 

That being said, until next time, keep up the hard work. 

PS. Here's the video for our e-commerce website below. And though it's a little cheesy, it gets our point across for now...